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Letter of Resignation

Mustapha Khayati

1 October 1969

Translated by Reuben Keehan


I feel a certain obligation to participate alongside the more radical elements of the revolutionary crisis currently taking shape in the Arab nations. Given my opposition — like that of the SI — to all forms of dual membership and infiltration (for the SI as for any revolutionary movement), I hereby tender my resignation.

From this day forth, all responsibility for my actions will be mine alone.

However, I would like to assert my absolute solidarity with everything that the SI has done so far and that I have nothing to reproach them for. If I have played a role in the development of the SI and a more modest role in the dissemination of modern revolutionary theory, I am much indebted to the SI and hope to be in a position to utilize everything it has taught me.

If I come to the realization that I have made the wrong choice, or if the movement to which I now commit myself collapses — and if I have done nothing that our common values would find reproachable — I may one day reapply for candidature. At such a time, the SI's decision can be made with complete knowledge of my reasons.

Long live the SI!

Long live the international power of the workers councils!

Mustapha Khayati

Venice, 1 October 1969