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Internationale Situationniste #10. Editor: Debord. Editorial committee: Michèle Bernstein, Théo Frey, Mustapha Khayati, J.V. Martin, Raoul Vaneigem.
Bulletin critique de publications préhistoriques volume VIII number 1, 1966, appears with a cover détourned from IS #10 with the intention of deceiving police and customs officials, particularly in Algeria.
14 A group of students led by André Schneider is elected to the head of the new bureau of the Strasbourg students' association (AFGES).
5 to 11 7th SI Conference in Paris. Participants: Michèle Bernstein, Guy Debord, Édith Frey, Théo Frey, Jean Garnault, Anton Hartstein, Herbert Holl, Mustapha Khayati, Ndjangani Lungela, J.V. Martin, Donald Nicholson-Smith, René Viénet.
Exclusion of Jan Strijbosch, Belgian section, for demanding the return of Rudi Renson, Belgian section, whose inactivity for nearly a year is considered an effective resignation.
Adoption of 'Minimum definition of revolutionary organizations.'
Heatwave #1, London. Editor: Charles Radcliffe.
Exclusion of Anton Hartstein, French section.
Heatwave #2, London. Editors: Christopher Gray and Charles Radcliffe.
26 Psychosociologist and cybernetician Abraham Moles' inaugural class at Strasbourg is interrupted in its first few minutes by ten students who throw tomatoes and chase him from his lecturn.
Le retour de la colonne Durruti (Return of the Durruti Column), a détourned comic by André Bertrand (AFGES), announcing the forthcoming publication of 'the most scandalous brochure of the century,' is posted on the walls of Strasbourg.
24 AFGES press conference.
13 The Strasbourg county court sequesters the offices and management of the AFGES.
This chronology has been adapted and expanded from Jean-Jacques Raspaud and Jean-Pierre Voyer, L'Internationale Situationniste: Chronologie, bibliographie, protagonistes (avec un index des noms insulté) (Paris: Champ Libre, 1972); Christophe Bourseiller, Vie et mort de Guy Debord (Paris: Plon, 1999); and Guy Debord, Correspondance (volumes 1, 2 & 3) (Paris: Arthème Fayard, 1999, 2001 & 2003).